Payroll Complete Blog

How hiring a payroll service can help you avoid the 3 most common mistakes made by employers

By Payroll Complete | February 27, 2020 |
hire a payroll service

Hiring the right payroll service can not only help you avoid these costly mistakes, but it can save you money in the long run.

Distinguishing Between Independent Contractors or Employees – Don’t Let Mislabeling Cost You!

By Payroll Complete | February 19, 2020 |
Independent contractor or employee?

Employers have several tax obligations related to their employees. The government expects employers to withhold income taxes and social security and Medicare taxes from their employees’ pay in addition to paying unemployment tax on their wages. On the other hand, employers have no tax obligations on payments they make to independent contractors. Whether or not…

3 Point Plan for Growth Toward Your Highest Potential

By David Chappell | January 22, 2020 |
Key to Growth

Today’s lesson is about “how to think”. The focus of the exercise is to describe the process of developing a growth philosophy (a habitual pattern of thinking that yields a desired result). The desired outcome we are reaching for is for you to reach toward becoming the best you can be. It all begins in…

I don’t have to pay them overtime, do I?

By Rachel Scruggs | December 4, 2019 |

To whom do I have to pay overtime? Is this a question you have asked before? Small business owners have a lot on their plates, so this can often be an unanswered question. It is critical to the success of your business that you have a clear understanding of the current laws. If you make…

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